How to Avoid Bug Bites This Summer

Before you know it, warmer weather will arrive. It will be time to dust off those pink lawn flamingos and fire up the grill. While it may seem a little early to plan for your first barbeque of 2018, it is never too early to take preventative action against bug bites. Let’s face it, there’s nothing worse than trying to have a good time with pests flying around. Here are some simple ways you can keep the bugs away this upcoming summer.
- When outdoors, refrain from wearing perfume and scented body products. Insects are drawn to smells, hence why they love flowers so much. Whether it’s a lotion or sunscreen, choose unscented and stay away from wearing perfume or cologne.
- Tone down the eccentricity in your outfit. Yes, it seems ridiculous to think about your wardrobe attracting the attention of bugs. However, it’s true! Bugs are drawn to bright colors and jewelry that sparkles in the sunshine. Keep your attire in muted tones or earth tones.
- Watch your food and drink. They love food and sweet beverages, so keep an eye on your items so you don’t blindly grab and get stung or bitten. If hosting the party, try to offer lids with the cups you’re serving drinks in.
- Be wary of going barefoot. Not only will you have to watch out for ants, but bees also stay close to the ground and yellow jackets reside in the ground.
- Keep an eye out for hives and nests. They often like to hide their nests, so check everything that will be used in the barbeque area before guests arrive.
- If in the presence of an insect, stay calm. You don’t want to seem threatening and give them a reason to bite or sting you. Don’t make sudden movements and don’t swat them away. Slowly move out of the way.