Spring Insects and How to Deal with Them

Spring Insects and How to Deal with Them

Ladybug on a grass with shallow DOF

Spring Insects and How to Deal with Them

April showers bring May flowers… And sometimes, bugs too! Below are some common bugs that can be quite the pest during springtime.

  1. Cluster flies. This type of fly resembles a common house fly. However, you’ll know it’s a cluster fly because they are larger and golden in color. They like to congregate in attics, traveling in large swarms and entering through cracks in siding, under eaves, and around windows. They don’t like cooler weather, so they will lie dormant within your walls and wait for warmer weather to return. Once it does, they’ll become active inside of your home, as they try to make their way back outdoors.

Solution: While they typically don’t cause damage to a home, they are a nuisance. Seal your cracks as well as any openings in your home. Add screens to your windows and attic vents if you currently don’t have any installed.

  1. Boxelder bugs. These feed on boxelder trees, as well as other various trees and plants. These bugs are dark grey with red stripes and absolutely loathe cold temperatures. They typically enter a home during fall and winter and re-emerge during spring once the weather is warmer.

Solution: Boxelder bugs aren’t a threat to your home; however, they can stain curtains and fabrics. Seal any cracks or gaps, especially in the southern and western portions of your home, which is where the sun hits in the late summer and fall.

  1. Larder beetles. These bugs hate cold temperatures and will wander into your home for heat. They also enter your home during springtime while in search of food. Adult larder beetles eat meat, pet food, and dead insects, including cluster flies and boxelder bugs.

Solution: Keep your food, as well as your pet’s, in a tightly sealed container. Clean up all spills and don’t leave food sitting out exposed for an extensive amount of time.

  1. Multicolored Asian lady beetles. These make their way indoors during autumn. As the weather warms up, these bugs become more active, flying around your house, climbing up and down windows, and sitting on furniture.

Solution: These bugs don’t cause damage; however, they do emit a foul yellow liquid when they sense a threat. Seal all cracks and crevices to prevent a point of entry. If you find some in your home, sweep them up or use your vacuum.

  1. Brown marmorated stink bug. This bug – native to China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan – migrated to the United States in the 1990s, most likely in a shipping container. They feed on soybeans and weeds, apples, peaches, and figs. They appear as if they have a brown shield and emit a foul odor when threatened.

Solution: They migrate indoors during the fall and winter to avoid cold weather, so you’ll want to prevent access by sealing gaps in doors, cracks around windows, and any other gaps around/near openings. Caulk any open spots, replace any damaged screens, and remove debris from around all entrances.

  1. Kudzu bugs. These were first spotted in Georgia back in 2009 and are quickly becoming a common pest in the United States. Brown in color and similar in size to lady beetles, they are often found on kudzu, wisteria, and soybeans. They, like the others on this list, enter through cracks and crevices. They become active in the spring, as they search for food and reproduce.

Solution: If they enter your home, you’ll most likely find them on windowsills or around door frames. They do not cause major damage, but they can emit a foul odor and stain fabric. Trim back your plants, seal all cracks, and add screens if there aren’t any present. If you find some within your home, use your vacuum.