Keeping Spiders Out of Your Home, Pt. 2

Keeping Spiders Out of Your Home, Pt. 2

brown spider, poisonous arachnid walking on the furniture of a house. Risk concept, danger indoors, arachnophobia.

There are so many different kinds of spiders in the world; some are deadly and can harm us, some are benign and nonpoisonous, and help the environment by eating other bugs. Spiders love living in the great outdoors, but it’s nothing unusual for them to find their way indoors in search of food and/or shelter.

If you know they’re not poisonous and you aren’t afraid of them like many people are, you may choose to catch it and simply put it back outside. Others, however, are terrified and want the problem solved quickly with no chance of the spider returning inside of their home. Here some more tips to help you keep spiders out of your home.

  1. Use your vacuum cleaner. This is an easy way to get rid of spiders and their webs once discovered. If you have a large population of spiders if your home, however, this may not be the best technique to use. Brooms can also be used to sweep webs away. If you don’t want to kill the spiders, you can empty your vacuum filter outside so they can retreat to the great outdoors.
  2. Spray insecticide on the inhabited area. Follow the instructions on the label to prevent poisoning yourself, a family member, and/or pets. Foggers aren’t as effective on spiders, as they can move quickly and escape it. For an insecticide to work, however, the spider will need to drag itself through it after it has been sprayed. If it avoids the spray, it will not work.
  3. Call an exterminator. If the infestation is large or measures you have taken aren’t helping the problem, call your local exterminator. Some pesticides are strong and will, therefore, cause you to vacate the property for several days until it has settled down.